Facilitator: Scott Jackson

Instructional Supervision and Evaluation
Lisbon, Portugal
17 - 23 June 2024

Contact: sjackson7@hotmail.com

Scott currently serves as the Head of Campus at the International School of Stuttgart- Sindelfingen campus in Germany. Originally from Western Australia, Scott has over 30 years of experience in learning communities worldwide: in Australia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Switzerland as well as a previous appointment in Munich , Germany. He has taught all ages, from 3-18, across a wide range of subject areas with a particular emphasis on Early, Elementary, and Middle School students. Scott has held a variety school leadership roles since 1999 and has been both a workshop facilitator and site visitor since the early 2000´s. He is a recipient of both the initial and advanced Certificates of International School Leadership (Principals’ Training Centre). Scott has a Bachelor of Arts in Education from Edith Cowan University in Western Australia and a Master’s in Education from the University of Hong Kong. In addition to his current role, Scott has a keen interested in the role of digital well-being in schools and is a member of a global consortium creating frameworks for schools who want to focus on humanizing pedagogy and provide learners with opportunities to understand their world through different ways of knowing. Scott believes that high-quality relationships between all stakeholders are the key to a successful learning community and most importantly that if students are happy……..they will learn.